SJ Dolphin Watch

A marine life recording project for boat owners in the Channel Islands.

2.2K Entries

Last on:
8 Feb 2025

This project collects sightings of dolphins, seals, sharks and other large marine animals within the Channel Islands area. The app is aimed at boat owners can be used on an iPhone, iPad or Android smartphone/tablet with a GPS. To install the app and load the SJ Dolphin Watch project follow the instructions on the Epicollect5 website or search for 'Epicollect5' in your phone's app store.

The survey should take less than a minute to complete. It asks a few simple questions and adds a GPS location, date and time automatically. The survey can be completed online or offline, saved to your device and then uploaded to the project website at a later time. The survey should be completed at the time of the sighting. Those wishing to retrospectively report sightings should use the wildlife recording form on the webpages at the Société Jersiaise or Société Guernsiaise.

Please note that all records submitted to this survey are publicly accessible via the Epicollect5 website or via https:/ . These records are used for marine monitoring and other research projects within the Channel Islands. This project is jointly managed by the Société Jersiaise, Société Guernsiaise and Alderney Wildlife Trust.